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Syllables on Parade!

Let the Syllable Parade begin – with your child as the leader and head drummer! This game is a festive, fun way to help explain syllables to kids. Knowing how to break words into syllables helps little learners with a variety of literacy skills, including pronunciation, spelling, blending sounds, and getting ready to read!

Learning Goal

Children will identify the syllables within a series of words.

Let’s Talk Syllables

Get your child ready to think about syllables! You can remind them that:

  • A word is made up of different parts; these parts are called syllables.
  • Some words have more syllables than others. A word can also be just one syllable.
  • Show your child how they can break a word into syllables. Start with a familiar example: your child’s name! Clap out each syllable as you say their name (“Chris-tine,” “Jo-se,” “Jack,” “Re-bec-ca,” etc.).

Play in the Parade

Let the parade begin! Invite your child to be the drummer at the head of your Syllable Parade. Give your child a toy drum and drumsticks if you have them – or use other materials around your home, such as a pencil and a shoe box, or a paint brush and a plastic food storage container!

Give your child a series of words, one at a time, and ask them to tap out the syllables on the drum as they say them (for example, “ze-bra,” “ba-na-na,” “ant”). As you get started, feel free to model one or more words for your child and have them repeat what you say and do.

Encourage your child to take a step with each syllable, or just march around the room leading the Syllable Parade!

Parent Tips

  1. Start with one- and two-syllable words. When your child feels comfortable, try out three- and even four-syllable words.
  2. For an added challenge, ask your child to count how many syllables are in a given word after they sound out the syllables.

Some ideas for related words:

  • Names of friends and family members
  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Animals
  • Types of transportation
  • Colors
  • Items in your child’s bedroom
  • Favorite foods

Other Ways to Play and Learn

Instead of drumming, have your child clap out each syllable as they say a word.

Your child can also use their whole body! Try having them jump up high or hop on one foot as they say each syllable.

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Skye's Song Squad

Welcome to the Noggin Marching Band! Play some animal songs with Skye as she leads our Noggin band to drum the correct number of syllables for each animal.

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Skye's Song Squad

Welcome to the Noggin Marching Band! Play some animal songs with Skye as she leads our Noggin band to drum the correct number of syllables for each animal.

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