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Originally from Mexico, paletas are a cool way to turn healthy fruit into a frozen, fresh treat! Try these recipes for making paletas two ways – sweet and spicy or sweet and sour.

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School of YUM Quick Bites: Paletas

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Pineapple Tamarind Paletas

Mango Chili Paletas


Pineapple Tamarind Paletas

  1. Add all ingredients to saucepan. Ask a grown-up to bring liquid to gentle simmer and cook, stirring until sugar has dissolved.
  2. Allow mixture to cool to room temperature, or chill in the refrigerator.
  3. Pour mixture into popsicle molds, then insert sticks as directed by the mold-maker (some use a lid that allows the stick to be inserted right away, while others suggest you partially freeze the paletas until they’re slushy enough to hold a stick upright).
  4. Freeze paletas until solid, about three hours.
  5. To release ice pops from molds, run the bottom of the molds briefly under warm water.

Mango Chili Paletas

  1. Ask a grown-up to puree the mangoes with the sugar, lime juice, and salt in a blender until smooth.
  2. Spoon the mango puree into 3-ounce ice pop molds. Insert sticks as directed by the mold-maker (some use a lid that allows the stick to be inserted right away, while others suggest you partially freeze the paletas until they’re slushy enough to hold a stick upright).
  3. Freeze paletas until solid, about three hours.
  4. To release ice pops, run the bottom of the molds briefly under warm water.

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