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What Would You Do?

Help your little kids grow big hearts by nurturing their empathy, social communication, and problem-solving skills! By playing out different social scenarios, they can learn the words and actions that will help them be an empathetic friend and kind upstander.

Learning Goal

Children will practice social communication and problem-solving skills

  1. Create a list of social scenarios that may be common for your kids to encounter. Print out our Big Heart World scenarios to help get you started!
  2. Write each idea on a separate piece of paper, then put them all in a bowl or box.
  3. Ask your child to reach in and choose one.
  4. Read the scenario out loud with your child and ask them to tell you ways they would “solve” the social scenario.
  5. Praise all their ideas and efforts – then expand upon them with your own suggestions!

If you need some ideas, start off with our Noggin scenarios, which you can print out and color in with your kids. After you discuss each problem, follow up with the suggested video in our Noggin app! For more ideas on other scenarios, discover our What Would You Do series – streaming on Noggin.

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