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Learning to read is one of the most important things that we can teach our children. The early literacy skills crucial for reading play an important role in their future academic and life success. Developing these skills can be made all that much easier when children possess a passion for reading. That’s where we as caregivers can really shine. There are many ways to get your child involved with reading this summer (at any age!) and ignite a lifelong passion for it. Here are a few simple strategies to get you started.
Introduce books as early as you can
The simple act of reading to your infant can make a big difference in their life. Not only does it help to develop their language skills, but these early experiences also reinforce positive social bonds between you and your child. The warmth and closeness you share with your child while you read at every age can set the foundation for a future love of reading. Consider using baby friendly cloth and board books that your infant can freely explore – yes sticking it in their mouth counts.
Make reading part of daily life
One of the best ways to incorporate reading into your child’s life is to make it part of their daily routines. Consider picking up a book before naptime/bedtime, at or after mealtime, or to signal playtime. It helps if you can create a designated space where your child’s books are easily accessible and where you can sit together to read (a rug or cozy corner is a perfect place). Introducing books into your child’s daily routines with consistency will eventually turn book reading into a healthy habit that your child engages in instinctively! [Find out more about establishing healthy habits]
Make reading fun
Everyone loves a good show! Tap into your theatrical skills – use different voices for different characters, emphasize words by reading them slowly or changing the volume at which you speak, and exaggerate wherever you deem necessary. Your child’s enjoyment during reading is intertwined with your own, so have fun with it! They will always be your most captive audience.
Pick stories with purpose
Books have a magnificent power – they can be a gateway for introducing your child to new topics or learning more about their current interests. Consider these tips for picking out books:
Embrace repetition
Sometimes children, especially preschoolers, just want to hear the same story over and over again. This repetition is really important because it helps your child pick up story details and new words. Your gut reaction might be to pick up another book instead, but you can mix things up to promote greater learning and save your sanity! (See the next section for some great techniques)
Participation is key
Whether your child is reading on their own or the story is read to them, you want them to be an active participant. Here is one proven technique you can use:
Asking a question can be a powerful tool to help your child get the most out of reading with you. Try these types of questions:
Make your own books
Print books reign supreme for a lot of really good reasons. But they aren’t the only option available to foster a love of reading.
Consider creating your own books! Take turns telling your own stories inspired by real life or concocted from your imaginations. This is also a fantastic way for your child to commemorate important life events and connect with your family's history and heritage. Write out the story as it’s told, and let your child illustrate. Even small scribbles are important for building early writing skills! Once you have a story, consider revisiting it and exploring language in fun ways, such as swapping out words with their synonyms. You’ll eventually have a library of books that your child has helped author and illustrate; they’ll feel so proud.
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